Saturday, January 20, 2018

Dear Parents and Students
I hope you enjoyed the weekend and ready for school.
This week we will start multiplication what is the meaning of multiplication and how it is like repeated addition.
Please send 4 plastic cups for the lesson activity on Monday.

As for the science, we will start Earth Science" What is Weather?"

This is next week homework 

Grade 3 Math and Science H.W
Sunday, Jan.21
Chapter 4. Lesson 1
Model Multiplication
Book p. 179-180

Chapter 9: Lesson 3
What is weather?
Monday,, Jan.22
Chapter 4. Lesson 2
Multiplication as repeated addition
H.W: Sheet
Chapter 9: Lesson 3
What is weather?
Tuesday  Jan.23
Chapter 4. Lesson 2
Multiplication as repeated addition
Book p.203-204
Chapter 9: Lesson 3
What is weather?
Wednesday,  Jan.24
Chapter 4. Lesson 3 
Arrays and Multiplication
H.W: Sheet
Chapter 9: Lesson 3
What is weather?
Thursday,  Jan.25

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