Saturday, November 4, 2017

This week we will continue (How do plants make food?) 

 New vocabulary

photosynthesis The process that plants use to make sugar 

Chlorophyll    The green substance inside the leaves that helps a plant use light energy to make food 

During photosynthesis water and carbon dioxide come together to make sugar.
Chlorophyll is a green substance inside leaves. It helps the plant use light energy.
Air is made up of different gases. One type of gas is called carbon dioxide. Plants need carbon dioxide to make sugar.
Plants need light from the sun for photosynthesis. Chlorophyll helps plants use the sunlight.
Water soaks into the soil, where the roots take it in; stems carry the water to the leaves. Plants also need water to make sugar.
Oxygen is another kind of gas. It is made during photosynthesis. You need to breathe oxygen to stay alive.

Watch science up close on grade 3 Photosynthesis

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